By Jason Barnard
In Perugia, Italy a potent brew of classic rock, soul and psych rock is being spread by Simon Francesco Di Rupo, aka The Soul Sailor, and his band The Fuckers. Imagine Starsailor at their inception but with a wider palette and psychedelic undertones.
The Soul Sailor don’t claim to push any boundaries, instead aim to celebrate their favourite sounds, riffs and licks. Simon says “I love so many songs and Lps. I got them in my blood. Can’t do anything with that. Life is gorgeous. I’m totally seducted by 60’s. Life is gorgeous. I play what I like. I don’t innovate, I’m completely useless for new musical expressions. I’m fascinated and fascinating. Rock n’Roll is cool.”
However by echoing Bolan’s approach and recycling those vinyl blues, extremely interesting and exciting music is produced.
New album “The Effects Of Getting Wilder And Wilder” throws everything including the kitchen sink into a series of short snappy, varied 2 and 3 minute tracks. “Wop Bop A Loo Bop A Lop Bam Boom” throws a Neil Young style riff into an incessant Arctic Monkeys stomper whilst “In the Game of Loving” then brings in a Curtis Mayfield soul sound.
[tubepress video=jpWVbJ29zwI]
“Soul Song#1” and “You Gotta Let Me Know It, Babe” combine both these rock and soul elements.
[tubepress video=KYVdD5_Iu_I]
They performed with former Creation Records impresario Alan McGee who I’m sure would have appreciated “When I Miss My Belle” echoing an acoustic Noel Gallagher. Best of all is “The Silence Of Ages” a track with Who style riffs that builds into a celebration of the power of rock music.
[tubepress video=84QF-AqQP9Q]
Great stuff. More information can be found at: