Terry Britten

Terry Britten talks about writing huge songs for Lenny Kravitz, Tina Turner, Michael Jackson and Cliff Richard. We start from his early days in the 1960s Australian band The Twilights and work our way up to his new album ‘Other Side of the Tracks.’ Hear the incredible stories behind ‘Heaven Help’, ‘Devil Woman’ and ‘What’s Love Got To Do With It’ and much more.

Further information

terrybritten.com and terrybritten.bandcamp.com

The Twilights: Twilights Time: The Complete 60s Recordings, 3CD

Terry Britten podcast tracks

Podcasts also available: Clem Cattini, Tony Rivers, Tony Hazzard, Russ Ballard, Vince Melouney, Geoff Bridgford, Colin Petersen, Glenn Gregory

This podcast is also available on Apple PodcastsSpotifyAmazon Music, and all usual platforms

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