Flag of Ireland (This image was originally posted to Flickr by SteveFE at https://www.flickr.com/photos/69699465@N00/130192780)
Ireland has produced some serious musical talent – and is the birthplace of world-renowned artists of all different genres. From the rock/pop of U2, the laid-back mellow vibes of Enya and the cheesy boy band tunes of Boyzone and Westlife.
Sure, most of these are recognised for their global hits – but some of them have very surprising interests that are completely outside of the music world – that could probably catch their fans off guard.
So, let’s take a look at some of those unusual interests of our favourite Irish musicians.
Enya: A Recluse With a Love for Gardening
Enya was the ultimate queen of the ethereal – and she was responsible for some seriously atmospheric music – with titles like Orinoco Flow and Book of Days to her name. However, these days, she may be on the Spotify list for lots of people looking for some relaxing bath music, but she, herself, now has a bit of a more reclusive lifestyle.
That reclusiveness, however, means she has plenty of time to partake in her favourite hobby… gardening. She spends a lot of time in her castle home in Dublin, where she whiles away the hours tending to her huge – and perfectly maintained garden. When she does come out into public, she talks a lot about the peace and inner calm she finds in nature – and that it’s also the inspiration for a lot of her music. Her green fingers and her gardening attention to detail are a reflection of the precision and utter dedication she puts into creating timeless music masterpieces – you could say, it helps her sail away into a world of her own!
Keith Duffy – A Huge GAA Fan
Keith Duffy, who was a member of the Boyband pop sensation, Boyzone, is someone who loves a bit of sports. Obviously, his career has been defined by his success in music – and, of course, his unforgettable turn in Coronation Street as Romeo bartender Ciaran, but he is also a big fan of Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) sports and sometimes even partakes in a bit of GAA betting.
A massive fan of Gaelic football and hurling, he actually gets proactively involved in the promotion of GAA events. And, in his younger years, he even played the sport himself – which is why he’s such a huge advocate for getting young Irish folk more involved in traditional Irish sports. He has even taken part in a few charity matches to keep his foot in the door.
Hozier – A Passion for Poetry
Then we have Hozier, the singer-songwriter who became a massive global sensation thanks to his huge global hit “Take Me to Church”. This man isn’t just a musician but he’s also really into the world of literature and poetry.
Having grown up in a house that was filled with books, he could quote some of the greatest poets like Seamus Heaney and W.B. Yeats – and he even cites them as having been major influences on his own writing. His music is always infused with literary references and beautifully poetic imagery – and if you’ve ever been to one of his events, you might also have been treated to a poetry recital!
Niall Horan – A Golfing Wannabe
The Irish member of the global phenomenon One Direction and now solo superstar hails from Mullingar and, aside from singing pop tunes, has an undeniable passion for golf. Unlike most younger pop stars who are tunnel-visioned on their musical careers, Niall has also chosen to immerse himself in the world of pro golf.
Not only is he actually a pretty skilled golfer himself, but he’s also caddied for professional players -and launched his own golf management company, Modest! Golf. You’ll also find him hanging around at major golf tournaments and enjoying a round whenever he gets the chance.
You may know these Irish stars for their love of music, but they certainly have plenty of other interests besides. These aren’t the only ones with surprising interests… There’s Bono with his love of all things tech (and philanthropy of course), Imelda May who likes to go a few rounds in the boxing ring – And Andrea Corr – an aspiring writer.
So, there you have it – some of our favourite Irish music stars… and their surprising hobbies!