Yusuf/Cat Stevens posted on Instagram today that Barry Ryan passed away yesterday. In April 2017 I spoke to Barry for a rare podcast interview about his greatest hits and rarities. Since then we contacted each other periodically and he was passionate about his new music which deserves a wider release. RIP Barry
- Paul and Barry Ryan – Don’t Bring Me Your Heartaches (Single A-side, Decca, 1965)
- Paul and Barry Ryan – I Love How You Love Me (Single A-side, Decca, 1966)
- Paul and Barry Ryan – Keep It Out Of Sight (Single A-side, Decca, 1967)
- Paul and Barry Ryan – Madrigal (Single B-side to Pictures of Today, Decca, 1968)
- Barry Ryan – Eloise (Barry Ryan Sings Paul Ryan, MGM, 1969)
- Barry Ryan with The Majority – Love Is Love (Single A-side, MGM, 1969)
- Barry Ryan – Why Do You Cry My Love? (Barry Ryan Sings Paul Ryan, MGM, 1969)
- Barry Ryan – My Mama (Barry Ryan Sings Paul Ryan, MGM, 1969)
- Barry Ryan – The Hunt (Single A-side, Polydor, 1969)
- Barry Ryan – Magical Spiel (Single A-side, Polydor, 1970)
- Barry Ryan with The Paul Ryan Orchestra – Kitsch (Single A-side, Polydor, 1970)
- Barry Ryan – I Think You Know My Name (Sanctus, Sanctus Hallelujah, Polydor, 1972)
- Barry Ryan – Who Put The Lights Out (Barry Ryan 3, Polydor, 1970)
- Barry Ryan – Brother (Single A-side, Private Stock, 1977)
- Barry Ryan – Break The Circle (demo – unreleased)
A written version of this podcast is also available on the Strange Brew website.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Thank you Barry and Jason for your time and effort here. Thoroughly enjoyed the chat and music. By the way “Break The Circle” is a very strong song, I hope the full production and modern day twiddling don’t spoil it cos I think it sounds superb as a demo.
Thank you very much for this. Even though Barry Ryan was very popular in Germany it’s quite difficult to find anything about him and his music. Most of his recordings are unavailable, it took me years to find all of his original albums. None of them is available these days, only the first two have been released once on cd and sounded like a needledrop. Some essential songs like “Love is love” and “Magical Spiel” are only available in mono. I would have liked to know, why all this great music is unavailable and why nobody seems to care. As has been said in the podcast, the music was an inspiration for many following artists – not to forget ELO – Listen to “Theme to Eutopia”
I love the Music from Paul & Barry Ryan since 1965 and i have all the Records they make.
It`s great to hear / read something new from him.
Is there a Chance to come in contact with him ? I have some Questions to Records he made .
Thank you so much for this Jason and Barry. I was going through my old singles recently and came across Eloise which I bought with my paper round earnings all those years ago. I played it for the first time in ages on my new record deck and sound system and was blown away! That got me thinking and after a brief Internet search I found your podcast. So much great music that I have never heard. These guys are so underrated and should have enjoyed more success at the time. Great writing, great singing Barry, and great production! Eloise remains for me, one of the high points of the 60s and I love hearing those final bars which were cut off in the fade-out of the original single. 5×
Jason, Thanx so much for sharing his music with us!…R.I.P. Barry!
I am still shocked. Barry was a wonderful human being. I will never forget his kindness. So as we will never forget his music: he was so humble to say he wasn’t a great composer and lyricist but, hell, he was great in both fields.
“Standing in the rain again( feeling very small)
Feeling very small
I new you wear going to fall
But what could i do
I could not follow you”
(From: The force is with you – Barry Ryan)
We will miss you Barry.
So sad to hear Barry passed away… As Lorenzo says I once had the opportunity to appreciate his kindness (some e-mails exchanges when I asked him if I could use “My Mama” music at my Mom’s funeral — he told me it had been the case for theirs). We’llmiss him, fortunately the music is still here
February 2022, I just find out that Barry Ryan passed, I am so sad, a part of my teenage crumbled, I had lots of his 45 rpm (Singles SP). What makes me more sad is that the french medias did’nt talk about his death… R.I.P. bARRY
Hatte heute anlässlich einer längeren Autofahrt Zeit mehrere Alben von Barry in Ruhe zu hören. Ich fühlte mich sofort wieder wie der damalige Teenager, der von Barry’s und Paul’s Musik total fasziniert war. Und Jahrzehnte später springt der Funke sofort wieder über. Danke für die wunderschönen Momente, die mir speziell Barry mit seinen Interpretationen zahlreicher Songs gegeben hatte. Möge er in Frieden ruhen und auch ganz weit oben ab und zu ein unvergessliches Konzert geben.
Oh oui !! Je viens également de le voir maintenant qu il est dcd en regardant YouTube.. et en plus en 2021… moi qui l adore je suis très étonnée de ne pas en avoir entendu parler!! Il m arrive souvent d écouter sa chanson … ma jeunesse !!!! RIP Barry même si c est bien tard pour le dire !!!! Sorry
His big hit “Die Zeit macht nur vor dem Teufel halt” (time only shrinks before the devil) was played on a German radio station today and I googled to find out what Barry Ryan was up to these days – how sad to read he has passed. Oui, comme Charly a écrit… ma jeunesse aussi – part of my youth too … RIP
Barry and Pauls Music was part of my youth too. So sad that they both have passed away. Their music, however, is timeless. I still love to hear all the beautiful songs they composed. Also Barry’s CDs which he produced in his later years.
Thanks to Barry and Paul Ryan my early youth was so enriched. RIP.