In the past century, music has been transformed from something that could only be witnessed in a live setting, to a form of entertainment that can be enjoyed in a variety of circumstances through different media devices and digital platforms. The basic functions of music appear unchanged, however since the 1960s British rock music has pushed the boundaries of the number of routes that its music is channelled into.

Early life

From birth we’re exposed to the world of music through the form of simple nursery rhymes that forms an intrinsic part of our education. The childlike imagination inspired artists in the 60s to experiment from what is now known as the Toytown genre, with The Beatles psychedelic film ‘Yellow Submarine’ creating fun for all the family. Just last month David Bowie announced that he would be writing music for the Spongebob Squarepants stage show.

Video games

Again, the genre treading Beatles cut across fields with 2009’s Rock Band game, whilst provides a range of casino games that feature an atmospheric audio soundtrack to aid the gaming experience.

Music and mortality

Even in ageing and death, British rock led the way thanks to The Who’s seminal ‘My Generation’. Indeed their contemporaries The Pretty Things kicked off the rock opera genre with the death laden ‘SF Sorrow’. So in conclusion whilst Pete Townshend declared ‘I hope I die before I get old’ he also said ‘Rock is dead – Love live rock!’.

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